Payment KIOSK
Amplify Staff Productivity and Customer Satisfaction by exercise of this secure Payment Kiosk, made active on a 24/7 basis. Accelerate your Payment Processes, Diminish Customer Waiting Times and exercise a Robust Cash Handling Amenity - all through this very Kiosk.
Customers are even empowered use of their Debit/Credit Cards for Payments. Be it your desire to hasten the Check-Out Process or encourage Online Customer Payments, this Kiosk is all the push required.

- Complete In-House Developed Hardware and Software.
- Central Dashboard for Performance Status and Control.
- Interactive and Foolproof.
- Secure and Encrypted Transactions.
- Tamperproof Cash Storage.
- Ability to Integrate with an existing Database, Security Solution or CMS.
- Integration with Magnetic and/or Chip Card Readers and Printers.
- Available in a multitude of Languages.
Your security is never compromised with SAIT. United with a Scanner and ID Card Reader, the Kiosk may log returning Users by use of their saved details. This too may be achieved by redemption of Loyalty Points. The possibilities are endless.